Actuellement, près de 400 distributeurs font usage de leur certification ENplus®. Ils commercialisent un produit de qualité au sein d’un marché structuré et développé.
Vous trouverez ci-après un répertoire de tous les distributeurs de granulé qui ont obtenu une certification ENplus®. Nous mettons ce répertoire à jour à intervalles réguliers. Les sociétés qui ne figurent pas ici ne sont pas considérées comme certifiées ENplus®. Un certificat suspendu signifie que l’entreprise n’a plus le droit de commercialiser des granulés de bois sous la marque ENplus® pendant une période déterminée.
Sublicensing allows for “paper trading” of bulk pellets, where the “paper trader” does not have to be certified. A “paper trader” must not have any physical contact with the pellets or any contract with a service provider who has physical contact with the pellets. A “paper trader” can either be a broker in business-to-business trade or a retail trader working exclusively for one Certified Trader. Sublicensed traders are allowed to sell certified pellets in bulk if a Sublicense Contract has been signed. This contract must be signed by both the Sublicensed Trader and the Certified Trader and grants the right to use the Certification Seal of the Certified Trader. The International Management needs to be informed of this within 2 weeks of the contract being signed.
The basic principle is that all the physical handling of the pellets shall be performed by Certified Companies. It is mandatory that the non-certified trader does not own technical equipment for wood pellets such as storage sites and delivery vehicles and does not employ any service provider to carry out such tasks.