Schwarze liste

Die Marke ENplus® ist international weithin geschützt. Dies bedeutet, dass eine nicht lizenzierte Nutzung der Marke oder von Teilen davon eine Verletzung der Rechte des Markeninhabers darstellen kann. Wir verfolgen daher jedes Mal, wenn wir von Verstößen gegen das geschützte Siegel oder die geschützte Marke erfahren.


Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, alle angemessenen und notwendigen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die rechtsverletzenden Handlungen von Unternehmen auf dem nationalen und internationalen Markt bekannt zu machen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir uns entschieden, eine schwarze Liste mit ENplus®-Verletzern zu erstellen.


Die folgenden Unternehmen stehen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge auf der schwarzen Liste, weil sie die Marke ENplus® missbraucht haben oder missbraucht haben:

Unternehmen Website / Email Adresse Land Beschreibung der betrügerischen Nutzung
RAPID LTD 125663 Moscow Russia

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate and is displaying it on its website.

LIDER UA LLC 87455 Urzuf Ukraine

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully claiming to be ENplus® certified in its advertisements on the trading website Alibaba [1] [2] [3] and in commercial offers.

MWOODS LLC 49999 Dnipropetrovsk Ukraine

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using falsified ENplus® certificates. [1] [2]

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully claiming to be ENplus® certified on its website. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

WESTLEY AGRO GROUP LLC 67700 Belgorod-Dnestrovsky Ukraine

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.

MARPAL SP. Z O.O. SP. K. 18-400 Łomża 54-613 Wrocław Poland

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is using a picture of a non-approved "Ecopower" branded pellet bag and is wrongfully displaying the ENplus® A1 quality seal, as well as is making misleading references to ENplus®, in its advertisements on its Facebook profile. [1] [2]

PATDOL LLC UA 76019 Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is making misleading references [1] [2] [3] to ENplus® on its website, which could suggest that it is this company that is ENplus® certified.

GREEN 2 BLUE ENERGY CORP. Vancouver, BC, V6C 2V6 Canada

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully displaying on its website the ENplus® logo and the expired ENplus® certificate of a company whose certificate and license have been terminated.

TPT TECHNOLOGIA SP. Z O.O. 06-300 Przasnysz Poland

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company, whose certificate has been revoked, is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.

> Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. This company is wrongfully showing its revoked ENplus® seal on its "BioFuture" and "FOX bio pellet" branded pellet bags.

PELLETA24.RU 144012 Elektrostal 142434 GSK Mayak Russia

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully claiming to be ENplus® certified on its website [1] [2].


> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This "fake" company is wrongfully claiming to be ENplus® certified in its email offers [1] [2] [3] [4], in a falsified laboratory report, in its invoices and on its website by impersonating the ENplus® certified company and using the ENplus® ID number of another ENplus® certified company.

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