- How can I identify an ENplus® certified company?
All ENplus® certified companies (suspended certificates included) are listed on our website, the list is always kept up-to-date. Companies that are not listed here are not considered ENplus® certified.
- How can I identify an ENplus® certified product?
All communication material (website, flyer, etc.) from a certified company, when referring to ENplus® certified pellets, should contain a valid certification seal. The certified company details shown on the communication material should correspond to the ones shown on the certified producers/traders list.
- What is a suspended certificate?
A suspended certificate means that the company is no longer authorised to produce or sell wood pellets using the ENplus® trademark for a period of time. Make sure to check the status of the certificate you are looking up!
- How is the ENplus® seal registered?
The ENplus® logo and the terms “ENplus®” and “ENplus A1″® are registered as an International Trademark under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol by the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and as Community Trademarks (CTMs) with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
This means that a non-licensed use of the trademark or parts therefore may constitute an infringement of AEBIOM/EPC’s owner rights. AEBIOM/EPC shall be entitled to prohibit the fraudulent use of the ENplus® logo and marks, as well as to assert claims for compensation where necessary. In addition, we may publish details of this fraudulent use on our Blacklist. - How can a certified company use ENplus® on its pellet bags?
The ENplus® certification grants certified companies the right to bag their pellets in bags showing the ENplus® logo.
All ENplus® bag designs must be approved by the International Management of ENplus® (EPC) (in countries without any National Management) or the competent National Management before the bags are sold on the market.
All the information about the approval of the bag designs and those requirements can be found in the ENplus® Bag Design Guidelines and in the ENplus® Handbook.
Bagging pellets in non-approved bags is not allowed. Any non-compliance with this may lead to the suspension of a certified company’s certificate or the inclusion of a non-certified company on our Blacklist.
- How may the ENplus® seal be used?
The ENplus® seal may only be used in connection with a valid license. The ENplus® Head Office and the National Licensers are the only entities delivering the seal. It may be used, for example, in advertising material and on packaging, but only in direct connection with the certified company for which it has been issued. Here is a recap table* :