Huodasis sąrašas

ENplus® prekės ženklas yra plačiai saugomas tarptautiniu lygiu. Tai reiškia, kad nelicencijuotas prekės ženklo ar jo dalių naudojimas gali pažeisti prekės ženklo savininko teises. Todėl kiekvieną kartą, kai sužinome apie saugomo antspaudo ar ženklo teises pažeidžiančius veiksmus, imamės veiksmų.


Pasiliekame teisę imtis visų tinkamų ir būtinų priemonių, kad apie įmonių pažeidžiančius veiksmus būtų žinoma nacionalinė ir tarptautinė rinka, todėl nusprendėme sudaryti juodąjį sąrašą su ENplus® pažeidėjais.


Šios įmonės yra įtrauktos į juodąjį sąrašą abėcėlės tvarka dėl piktnaudžiavimo arba piktnaudžiavimo ENplus® prekės ženklu:

Bendrovė Svetainė / el Adresas Šalis Nesąžiningo naudojimo aprašymas
PELLET PLANET 2870 Petrich Bulgaria > Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate. > Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. This company is wrongfully showing a modified ENplus® logo / ID number of a company whose certificate and license have been terminated on its "Galaxy" pellet bags [1] [2] > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully claiming its pellets/pellets of a company whose certificate and license have been terminated as ENplus® certified, by displaying the ENplus® logo, as well as the former ENplus® certificate of a terminated company, on its website and Facebook [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. In addition, this company is advertising old bags of an ENplus® certified company, as well as using its ID number on a tampered ENplus® certificate, without its authorisation, on Facebook [6] [7].
MARITIME TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS CO. LTD Cape Canaveral FL 32920 ; Kharkiv Oblast 62310 Unites States of America ; Ukraine > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is making misleading references to ENplus® certified in delivery documents. i.e.: bill of landing.
G.W. TECHNOLOGY SOLUTION SRL 700334 Iasi Italy > Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. The company is wrongfully displaying the old ENplus® seal on its "Biopellet GW" branded pellet bags. > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. The company is wrongfully displaying the ENplus® seal on trading websites.
KVANT LLC (ANGARA-FOREST) 108820 Moscow Russia > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully advertising non-certified pellets as ENplus® certified by showing an outdated ENplus® certificate as well as a conformity report of an ENplus® formerly certified company on its website [1] [2].
EUROPE PELLETS LLC 61000 Kharkov, Kharkivs'ka oblast Ukraine > Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.   > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully advertising its pellets as ENplus® certified on its website [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] and in its commercial offers.
ENERGO-BIOMASA SP. Z.O.O. 78-500 Drawsko Pomorskie Poland > Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. This company was displaying the ENplus® A1 quality seal on its "ETNA" branded pellet bags, despite not being certified anymore. This company also displays the terms "ENplus A1", “ENplus A2” and/or the ENplus® A1 and ENplus® A2 quality seals on its “First Class” and “Standard” branded pellet bags. [1] [2] [3] [4]. > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company was wrongfully advertising its pellets as ENplus® certified in an advertisement and trading websites [1] [2], despite being suspended at that time.
BRAZIL BIOMASS AND RENEWABLE ENERGY;; 80730-440 Curitiba (Paraná) Brazil > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully advertising its products as ENplus® on its website, in its email offers, as well as in an online brochure.
FREECON ENERGY 67100 Lagous Greece > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is trading fraudulent pellet bags with the ENplus® logo displayed on them on Facebook.
JUSAJ KOMPANI DOOEL 1000 Skopje North Macedonia > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company was trading fraudulent "DOBITAK PELET" bags with the ENplus® logo displayed on them.
GJUNCE DOOEL GOSTIVAR 1230 Gostivar North Macedonia > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is/was trading fraudulent "DOBITAK PELET" bags with the ENplus® logo displayed on them.
Atsisiuntimų sąrašas