The ENplus® optimises the certification process with the introduction of the ENplus® Certification Platform

Constant development of the ENplus® certification scheme is one of our ongoing commitments. This year, we would like to improve the certification process further and facilitate the communication between the different parties involved by introducing a new digital tool, as part of the completed ENplus® revision. 

The ENplus® Certification Platform (Radix Tree) is an interactive web-based solution that will collect all information and will gather all the actors in one place. It will aid the management of the certification database and will save time by removing most of the procedures managed manually until now.  All the parties involved in the certification process will be able to access relevant and up-to-date data instantly via their own accounts. This data will be safely stored and protected.

Applying and certified companies

When applying and certified companies join the platform, they will have access to all certification related documents (contract, datasheets, reports, approved bag designs, seals, invoices, approval documents, or certificates of participation in a training). Moreover, the platform’s notification system will notify companies every time they are expected to report their annual production/trading figures, when late with inspections, or when more documents are needed when applying. Invoicing for the majority of certified companies will also be arranged via the platform.

National Licensers

The ENplus® Certification platform will allow the ENplus® National Licensers to manage the certification process digitally by collecting all the annual data on it. They will also have the possibility to notify the local certified companies about important deadlines or missing data. It should be noted that some ENplus® National Licensers will start using the platform at a later stage, so certified companies in particular countries will also be invited to join it later on.

Conformity Assessment Bodies

The Certification and Testing bodies will benefit from the platform option to upload all the certification documents and share them simultaneously with both the National Licenser, and the applying and certified companies. The notification system will help them manage scheduled inspections, expiring certificates, and open non-conformities. The Certification and Testing bodies will also have direct access to the database of complaints and frauds cases associated with individual certified companies which will allow them to solve these issues faster and easier.

All ENplus® partners have started adaptation to the tool. Most certified companies already received their invitation to join the platform, for those in specific countries it will come at a later stage. The certified companies can learn how to use the tool with the tutorials available on this page and can also attend a dedicated webinar on 25 January 2023.

The costs for the maintenance of the software are covered by the European Pellet Council that also made it possible for the users to take advantage of technical support available in the tool free of charge.

The ENplus® Certification Platform (Radix Tree) has been developed by Global Traceability Solutions – a company with solid experience and more than 90 000 businesses using their software.