• Documentation
  • Application forms


Documents with mandatory requirements relevant to the ENplus® certification process.

ENplus® ST 1001 - ENplus® wood pellets – Requirements for companies

Recognition of the technology for small-scale delivery (v.1 March 2023)

ENplus® ST 1002 - Requirements for certification and testing bodies operating ENplus® certification

ENplus® ST 1002 – Technical corrigendum 1

ENplus® ST 1002 – Technical corrigendum 2

ENplus® ST 1003 - Usage of the ENplus® trademarks - Requirements

Procedural Documents

Documents with procedural requirements that are relevant to the management of the ENplus® scheme.

ENplus® PD 2001 - Structure and development of ENplus® documentation

ENplus® PD 2002 - Complaints and appeals procedure

ENplus® PD 2003 - Issuance of permissions for the use of the ENplus® trademarks

ENplus® PD 2004 - ENplus® listing of certification and testing bodies

➟ ENplus® PD 2004 – Technical corrigendum 1

ENplus® PD 2005 - Governance of the ENplus® certification scheme

ENplus® PD 2006 - ENplus® certification scheme fees

ENplus® PD 2007 - Investigation and resolution of fraudulent use of the ENplus® trademarks

ENplus® PD 2008 - Handling confidential and personal information

Guidance Documents

Documents, either mandatory or informative that are developed to support the implementation of the ENplus® scheme, e.g. documents with interpretation of ENplus® requirements.

ENplus® GD 3001 - Storage for wood pellets

ENplus® GD 3002 - ENplus® translations of the pellets bag design

ENplus® GD 3004 - Plausibility checks of mass balance systems

Application forms

Certified Producers

This is the Application Form for wood pellet producers willing to become ENplus® certified.

The following Data Sheet could be needed to complete your application:

Certified Traders

This is the Application Form for wood pellet traders willing to become ENplus® certified.

The following Data Sheets could be needed to complete your application:

Certified Service Providers

This is the Application Form for wood pellet service providers willing to become ENplus® certified.

The following Data Sheets could be needed to complete your application:

Certification Bodies

This is the Application Form for companies willing to be listed as ENplus® certification bodies.

The following Data Sheets could be needed to complete your application:

Testing Bodies

This is the Application Form for companies willing to be listed as ENplus® testing bodies.

The following Data Sheet could be needed to complete your application: