ENplus® is expected to certify more than 14.5 million tonnes of wood pellets in 2024

ENplus® has certified over 13.6 million tonnes of wood pellets in 2023, while the certified production this year is projected to surpass 14.5 million tonnes*. As part of this, UK production in 2023 exceeded a record 300,000 tonnes for the second year in a row which represents a 60% increase in our domestic capability since the establishment of the ENplus® scheme in the UK in 2013.

Germany remains ahead of other countries in the rest of the world with almost 3.7 million tonnes of ENplus® certified pellets produced in 2023. In the runner-up spot is Austria which increased its annual certified production by 100,000 to more than 1.6 million tonnes. France comes third, followed closely by Spain with the top five list of countries with the largest ENplus® certified pellet output for 2023 being completed by Belgium with almost 600,000 tonnes.

The certification scheme continues gaining popularity outside Europe. In the past few months, the number of pellet producers with an active certification in Brazil has increased to over 30 which led to the organisation of the scheme’s first training in the country, dedicated to the quality managers of the certified companies. Less than a year after joining the list of countries where the certification scheme is present, China also already has eight certified pellet producers and one certified pellet trader while Japan now has its first two certified pellet traders.

In the past year, the ENplus® management invested extra efforts and closed more than 150 fraud cases, which led to the achievement of another milestone – more than 1100 fraud cases have been identified and solved in total. Additionally, the blacklist where all fraudulent entities are exposed to the public has been updated and now includes over 300 companies which should not be trusted.

This year the scheme´s management is going to be paying special attention to the companies who were among the first to join the scheme and have remained loyal over a decade. Their inspirational stories, good practices and impact on the local economy are shared through a dedicated series that can be followed via the scheme´s website and digital communications channels.

More statistics are available on the ENplus® website.

*Estimation based on the numbers submitted by all certified producers, EPC