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    Training for inspectors of pellet plants
    29 Jan 24
    This training is organised for inspectors who want to perform ENplus® inspections of pellet production plants and pellet trader facilities. As an inspector, if you want to be involved only in the inspection of pellet...
    Nordic Pellets Conference 2024
    31 Jan 24
    The Swedish Bioenergy Association (SVEBIO), the Swedish Pellets Association (PelletsFörbundet), and Bioenergy International extend a warm invitation to participants for the Nordic Pellets Conference 2024. This insightful event will take place on January 31st to...
    Progetto Fuoco 2024
    28 Feb 24
    Progetto Fuoco is the most important fair in the biomass heating sector in Europe. With more than 800 brands, 70.000 visitators, 7 halls for 130.000 sqm and more of 3.000 exhibited products, it is an...
    European Pellet Conference 2024
    6 Mar 24
    European Pellet Conference 2024 will take place in Wels on 6 March 2024. The 2024 Pellet Conference will focus on how the acceptance of pellets as an important element in the clean energy transition can...
    Training for Quality Managers: Brazil
    13 Mar 24
    Santa Catarina
    ENplus® organises a training course for Quality Managers in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, on 13-14/03/2024*. The training is dedicated to the ENplus® certified companies in Brazil but it is open to anyone interested in discovering...