Lista negra

La marca ENplus® está ampliamente protegida a nivel internacional. Esto significa que un uso sin licencia de la marca o de partes de ella puede constituir una infracción de los derechos del propietario de la marca. Por lo tanto, hacemos un seguimiento cada vez que conocemos sobre actos infractores del sello o marca protegida.


Nos reservamos el derecho de tomar todas las medidas apropiadas y necesarias para dar a conocer las acciones infractoras de las empresas en el mercado nacional e internacional, y es por eso que decidimos crear una lista negra con los infractores de ENplus®.


Las siguientes empresas están en la lista negra por abusar o haber abusado de la marca ENplus®:

Compañía Sitio web/correo electrónico Dirección País Descripción del uso fraudulento
A. GERAITIENĖSIĮ 27116 Vilnius Lithuania

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is using a picture of a non-approved "ECOSOPHY" branded pellet bag featuring a modified ENplus® A1 quality seal in its online advertisements.

LLC GLOBAL HOLZ UKTRAINE / LTD COMPANY DARY UKRAYINY 8132 Vyshneve, Kyivs'ka oblast 2000 Kyiv Ukraine

> Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. The company is wrongfully displaying modified ENplus® A1 quality seals on its "Holz Pellet" branded pellet bags. [1] [2] [3]

MWC SARL 65000 Odesa, Odessa Oblast Ukraine

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.


> Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. This company is wrongfully showing the old ENplus® A1 seal on its "MWC PELLETS" branded pellet bags. [1] [2]

MIAMI TOMASZ ZAWADZKI SP. Z.O.O. 76-200 Słupsk Poland

> Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. This company is wrongfully showing modified versions of the ENplus® logo and ENplus® A1 quality seal on its "MAGMA PELLETS" and "TOP QUALITY PELLETS" branded pellet bags sold and advertised in several stores. [1] [2] [3] [4]

ADRIANO & ANDREI BUSINESS SRL Bucaresti, Sector 3 Romania

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.


> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully advertising its product as tested in accordance to ENplus® in a certificate of analysis.

PT GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP PLC 50230 Pathom, Chiang mai Thailand

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.


> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is claiming to manufacture "ENplus-A1" pellets in its commercial email offers.

COLEUS SPOLKAZ 00-542 Warsaw Poland

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.


> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This person/company is wrongfully advertising pellets as ENplus® certified on its website and LinkedIn profile.

JSC EKOMITRA 53286 Kaunas r. Lithuania

> Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. The company is using the ENplus® quality seal which belongs to another certified company on its "EKOMITRA" branded pellet bags, without the certified company's authorisation.

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