Trademark Protection

Trademark is a name, symbol or design that a company or organisation uses for its products and that cannot be used by anyone else unless a further licensing agreement has been issued.

ENplus® trademarks are copyrighted, registered, and owned by Deutsches Pelletinstitut Gmbh (DEPI). DEPI has the exclusive right to the usage and further licensing of the ENplus® trademarks to other entities, including for possible fraud investigation and any legal actions in Germany.

DEPI has conferred Bioenergy Europe AISBL the exclusive right to the usage and further licensing of ENplus® trademarks to other entities, including for possible fraud investigations and any legal actions, outside Germany.

The ENplus® trademarks shall only be used for on-product and off-product purposes following the specifications below:

NOTE 1: Other users (media, appliance manufacturers, etc.) are allowed to use the ENplus® wordmark with quality class, ENplus® quality seal, ENplus® certification seal and ENplus® service sign for off-product purposes to educate about their meaning. Such usage does not include the ENplus® ID.

NOTE 2: Traders of bagged pellets without ENplus® certification can only use the individual ENplus® bag design as a picture of the bagged pellets with the ENplus® bag design. 

Full information on trademarks usage is provided in ENplus® ST 1003.

The ENplus® Management follows up on every misuse of the trademark to protect the value of the certification scheme.  You can help us combat fraud by remaining vigilant and reporting any suspicious activity you encounter. If you suspect a fraud case, you can refer to our online guide on how to detect fraud, and use this online form to flag it to us. Our Blacklist will also help you identify and avoid known fraudsters.