Training for Quality Managers: Brazil

ENplus® organises a training course for Quality Managers in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, on 13-14/03/2024*.
The training is dedicated to the ENplus® certified companies in Brazil but it is open to anyone interested in discovering about the world-leading pellet certification, with a specific focus on the Brazilian pellet market. It will be held in Portuguese.
As ENplus® quality manager, this training course is mandatory if you have never attended a quality manager training in the current certification period.
The training will cover issues related to requirements for the entities participating in the entire supply chain, from the receipt of raw material, through the production of ENplus® pellets to the delivery to the end-user. Special attention will be given to the new reuquirements introduced with the revision of the scheme.
Details of the program can be found in the draft agenda (the venue will be announced soon): AGENDA
The first participant from an ENplus® certified company pays a fee of 300€, each additional person from the same company pays 250€. The cost of participation for non-certified companies is 400 €/person.
*In case of more than 25 participants, an additional training course will be held on 14-15/03/2024.