Черен списък

Търговската марка ENplus® е широко защитена на международно ниво. Това означава, че нелицензираното използване на търговската марка или части от нея може да представлява нарушение на правата на собственика на търговската марка. Затова ние проверяваме всеки сигнал за измама, свързани с защитения печат или марка.

Запазваме правото си да предприемем всички мерки, подходящи и необходими, за да оповестим нарушенията публично и затова решихме да създадем черен списък с нарушители ENplus®.

Следните компании са включени в черния списък за злоупотреба с търговската марка ENplus®

Компания Уебсайт/имейл Адрес Държава Описание на измамна употреба
(FAKE) KGS PELLETS SERVICE GMBH https://kgspellets.com ; info@kgspellets.com Austria > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. The company claims on its website that it can offer certified goods using the ENplus® wordmark as and quality seal [1] [2] [3]. Furthermore, the name and contact details of the real ENplus® certified company are misused.
(FAKE) ÖSTERREICH HOLZ PELLETS GMBH https://osterreichholzpelletsgmbh.com ; Info@osterreichholzpelletsgmbh.com Austria > Counterfeiting of official certification documents. A falsified ENplus® certificate is shown on its website. > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. The company claims on its website that it can offer certified goods using the ENplus® wordmark [1] [2] [3] [4]. Furthermore, the name and contact details of the real ENplus® certified company are misused.
PELLET GROUP WEST UKRAINE allux1477@gmail.com Ukraine

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is/was offering fraudulent "PELLET-plus" pellet bags and Big Bags bearing the ENplus® wordmark as certified in its offers

BABYLON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY www.bk-babylon.com 03037 Kyiv Ukraine

Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully claiming its pellets to be ENplus® certified in its commercial emails [1].

EURO XIMO DOOEL (ЕУРО ЅИМО ДООЕЛ) euroximo@hotmail.com 1315 Otlja North Macedonia

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is/was trading fraudulent "DOBITAK PELET" and "BIOMONTE" pellet bags bearing the ENplus® seal/ the ENplus® A2 quality class logo. 

KAYALAR ODUN KÖMÜR TIC https://cesmekayalarodunkomur.com/ 35917 Çeşme/İzmir Turkey > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is advertising non-certified pellets as ENplus® certified on its social media.
(FAKE) TKS D.O.O. tkswoodpellets.com ; www.tkspelletsdoo.com ; www.tkswood.com ; www.tkspellets.com ; support@tkspellets.com ; support@tkspelletsdoo.com ; info@tkspelletsdoo.com ; sales@tkswood.com ; sales@tkspellets.com ; sales@tkspelletsdoo.com ; dootks@gmail.com ; support@tkswoodpellets.com ; sales@tkswoodpellets.com ; 21129 Hamburg1050 Brussels Belgium > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This fake company is impersonating an ENplus® certified company by wrongfully claiming to be ENplus® certified on its website [1] [2] [3] and its proforma invoices [1] [2].  
AT WORK SP. Z O. O. https://atwork.com.pl/ 02401 Warszawa Poland

> Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. This company is wrongfully showing the ENplus® logo and ID number of an ENplus® certified company, without previous approval or authorisation, on its "PELLET DRZEWNY SOSNOWY" pellet bag.

EPEN (EREN PELLETS) https://erenpellets.com/ 69100 Komotiní Greece

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is trading/advertising fraudulent "PUROMASS" bags bearing the ENplus® A1 quality class logo and "Bucovina Verde" bags bearing the ENplus® seal and ID number of a certified company, as well as trading/advertising pellets of companies whose ENplus® certification is terminated [1] [2] on its social media. In addition, this company is misusing the ENplus® wordmark on its social media posts [1] [2].

S.C. MAR MOB S.R.L http://marmob.ro/ 725400 Judetul Suceava Romania

> Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. This company is wrongfully showing the ENplus® logo on its "MARMOB" pellet bag.

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