Черен списък

Търговската марка ENplus® е широко защитена на международно ниво. Това означава, че нелицензираното използване на търговската марка или части от нея може да представлява нарушение на правата на собственика на търговската марка. Затова ние проверяваме всеки сигнал за измама, свързани с защитения печат или марка.

Запазваме правото си да предприемем всички мерки, подходящи и необходими, за да оповестим нарушенията публично и затова решихме да създадем черен списък с нарушители ENplus®.

Следните компании са включени в черния списък за злоупотреба с търговската марка ENplus®

Компания Уебсайт/имейл Адрес Държава Описание на измамна употреба
PELECIK.PL www.pelecik.pl 25-639 Kielce Poland

> Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. This company is wrongfully displaying the old ENplus® logo on its "ECOPELLET Power PLUS" branded bag design.

EKKO PLUS LLC www.ekkoplus.com 36076 Poltava Ukraine

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is advertising its pellets as made to the ENplus® "standard" and showing the ENplus® logo on its website [1] [2].

PAWEENA SUKJAN www.paweenasukjan.net 12140 Pathumthani Thailand

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is making misleading claims regarding ENplus® in its email offers.

IMPEX GLOBAL LTD 90030 Kurtkoy, Istanbul Turkey

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.


> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully advertising pellets as compliant with the ENplus® "standards" in its email offers.

ACRON GROUP LLC / BIOFUEL KARVON LLC www.biofuelkarvonllc.com Uman', CK. Ukraine

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using falsified ENplus® certificates. [1] [2] [3]


> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully advertising the pellets its supplies as ENplus® certified on its website.

PELLET EXPO JACEK KOŁODZIEJ www.pelletexpo.pl 85-124 Bydgoszcz Poland

> Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. This company is displaying the ENplus® A1 quality seal on its "PELLETEXPO" branded pellet bags, shown on a trading website.


> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is also wrongfully advertising this product as ENplus® certified on its website.

PELLETHURTOWNIA.PL www.pellethurtownia.pl 27-20 Starachowice Poland

> Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. This company is displaying misleading references to ENplus® on the packaging of its "Golden Tiger" branded pellet bags.

ZAMTAM UA LLC www.zamtamuallc.com 68303 Kiliya Odessa Region Ukraine

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.

BIOFUEL TRADE / ECOPELLETA / EKO GRANUL www.ecopelleta.nethouse.ua www.eko-granul.derevo.ua www.ekogranul.prom.ua www.ekogranul.all.biz 04073 Kiev, Kurenivskiy prov. 19/5 Ukraine

> Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. This company is wrongfully showing the old ENplus® logo on its "HOLZ-PELLETS PREMIUM" branded pellet bags.


> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is displaying on its website, brochures and laboratory report, misleading information regarding ENplus®.

LAN UKRN LLC www.lan-ukrn.com 02000 Kyiv, Kyivs'ka Ukraine

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully advertising itself and its products as ENplus® certified on its website and in email offers.

Списък за изтегляне