Черен списък

Търговската марка ENplus® е широко защитена на международно ниво. Това означава, че нелицензираното използване на търговската марка или части от нея може да представлява нарушение на правата на собственика на търговската марка. Затова ние проверяваме всеки сигнал за измама, свързани с защитения печат или марка.


Запазваме правото си да предприемем всички мерки, подходящи и необходими, за да оповестим нарушенията публично и затова решихме да създадем черен списък с нарушители ENplus®.


Следните компании са включени в черния списък по азбучен ред за злоупотреба с търговската марка ENplus®


Компания Уебсайт/имейл Адрес Държава Описание на измамна употреба
AMDI V/NIELS SØBALLE AMDISEN www.amdi-v.com 8260 Viby J Denmark

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.

AMN WOOD D.O.O. radelisanin@yahoo.com 32235 Lučani Serbia

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is advertising fraudulent "100% BUKOV PELLET" pellet bags bearing the ENplus® logo on its social media

> Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. This company is wrongfully showing the ENplus® logo on its "100% BUKOV PELLET" pellet bags.

AMOUNT MODERN TECHNOLOGIES metalluman.sells.com.ua 01135 Kiev Ukraine > Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully claiming on several websites that its products are ENplus® certified. [1] [2] [3] [4]
AMWOOD SP. Z O.O. 53-015 Wrocław Poland

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.

ARTANA SP. Z O.O. 37-700 Przemyśl Poland

> Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. This company is trading “Premium wood pellets" branded bags wrongfully showing the ENplus® A1 quality seal or the term "ENplus A1". [1] [2]

AS BUDASZ S.C. www.asbudaszsc.com 33300 Bordeaux 63020 Zaniemyśl France

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using falsified ENplus® certificates [1] [2] [3] and laboratory reports [4] [5].

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully claiming to be ENplus® certified in its emaill offers [1] [2]


> Misuse of the certification/trademark on products. This non-certified company is displaying the ENplus® A1 quality seal on its "AU PELLET" branded pellet bag design and printed bags.

AUTÉNTICA GENERACIÓN DISTRIBUIDA CYL S.L. www.agdcyl.es 15350 Cedeira (A Coruña) Spain

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully advertising ENplus® on its website.

AYUTTHAYA EXPORT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 95000 Krong Pinang Sub District District, Krong Pinang Distict, Amphoe Mueang, Mueang Yala Thailand

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.

BEE PELLET www.beepellet.com 34775 Istanbul Turkey

> Counterfeiting of official certification documents. This company is using a falsified ENplus® certificate.

> Misuse of the certification/trademark in marketing campaigns and advertisements. This company is wrongfully advertising its products as ENplus® certified in commercial emails.

Списък за изтегляне